Time For A Refit. Need a little Umph.
Its looking a bit drab and dull here at Lakshmi Mama. Time to see if we can't turn that around.Working on a redo of the site design. I like the basic thing, but it needs a bit more umph. Umph is good.
There has been a bit of Umph in my life recently as well. My current bout with dizziness started nearly 4 weeks ago and is not gone yet. It settled down for a bit with infrequent, milder episodes. There are still some stronger ones every few days that remind me not to push myself too hard. My fibromyalgia has also been rough. Really rough. My brain has this long list of things I want/need/should do, but the body I am living in is challenging me.
...thats where the Umph comes in.
I resigned from my job at the bookstore. Yep. I did. Even though I was very clear that it was the right choice, I still had a hard time telling them. That whole "can't say no" "want people to like me" thing. Oh, and my tendancy to think that I should be able to simple switch my attitude and just get over myself. That one's a real bitch.
I redid Golden Flower Birth. There are a few things I need to fix, and a page or two still in the dreaded 'coming soon' stage. Its onward and upward with my birth work. Lying in bed for a couple weeks with nothing to do but think,meditate,read, and listen has proven to be 'enlightening' if I could borrow a phrase. However minute the shift has been, there has been movement on my path. I realized that my body was going to ask me for a really good reason to get up and get busy - use it or lose it. As much as I liked working at the bookstore (and I really truly did. really.) there was nothing left for me at the end of the day. Nothing for my family. The last week before I got dizzy I went to bed directly after work each night. I hurt. I was exhausted. I wanted to cry. And as I lie there, my family was fighting and the house was going to hell. (Not much improvement there sadly. I am a dismal housekeeper.) We are fine financially with me not working full time. Hard work has paid off for us recently and it feels good. So I quit. And from this day forward I am living my dream. Leaving the fear behind. (as much as I can...) If not now, when?
Joining a yoga class, getting a referral to a rheumatolgist (cautiously looking at alopathic treatments), getting my creative work going again. I am hoping to have a stall at the Emerson May Fair. (Which is, oddly enough not until the end of the month - probably a weather thing.) Making my wrist wings and selling the dozens of dresses I made to sell on the road last summer but never did. Maybe some knit and felt goodies too. It all depends on what I get done.
So thats it. Putting a little Umph. Doing a little refit.
1 comment(s):
Hello, I'm a crafster lurker in Australia. I followed your link for the coffee morning throw. I also have fibromyalgia and know just how you feel ... 'longlist of things I want/need/should do'. It sucks basically, doesn't it? I guess I'm lucky I dont have any young kids to look after, plus a partner who's very independant, so I can 'bludge' without feeling guilty. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi. Cheers Estelle
PS I cant remember my Crafster name and the site is down for maintenance right now.
Anonymous, at
05 May, 2006 15:06
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