22 August 2003

Street Theater, Sarcasm, and some just plain old fashioned humor.

"You're sexy! You're Cute! Take off your riot suit!" This was definately one of my favortie chants today at the big anti-Bush protest here in Portland. What else do you say to a bunch of hulky guys poised for a battle that wasn't happening? I swear that I saw a couple of them (the one's that you could see their face in the first place) almost crack a smile. Of course that wouldn't be intimidating behavior so they were surpressing it as best they could. "Little Beruit" (as "W" senior called Portland when he thought about visiting) didn't dissappoint today. Protestors showed up in the thousands to demonstrate against Bush and call for his impeachment. (What is worse - screwing and intern or screwing the country? ) Bush it seems has the idea that because there was such a narrow margin of defeat for him in the last election in Oregon that he stands some sort of chance of winning the state in 2004. If todays crowd is any indicator of the mood of the people, he stands a slim chance of succeeding in his efforts. Of course, that didn't stop him from starting his campaign early today by speaking at a $2000 a plate luncheon. After this little get-together is was scheduled to go to Central Oregon and push his "Healthy Forest Initiative." This is his wild idea that by cutting down the trees before they catch on fire is a good way to prevent forest fires. hmmmmm.... I guess that his usual line of thinking that in order to fix something you must destroy it holds true in this case. Go figure.

The demonstration today was, for the most part, peaceful. The crowd, while very vocal and up front with their opinions was not looking for a fight. Of course that left all these hulky guys in full SWAT gear left standing around with nothing to do. They did break up the monotony of their day by declaring Columbia Park closed at 2:30. From reports, people did not disperse quickly enough so out came the pepper spray. I wonder if they got any babies this year? Odds are that when you pepper spray in a park where children play that a kid might get hit. That will teach them to try and play (the nerve of youngsters these days!) while they "prevent" a riot.

Some things that impressed me today was the sheer numbers of signs that people made for the event. Poster board, cardboard, xeorx copies, paper mache'.... you name it and someone used it to get their words out. I carried a nice little number myself that I contructed out of a couple of well colored on pieces of poster board. Apparently someone else liked them too, as Goddess in Training #1 informed me that as she was watching coverage of the events on the local news they zoomed in for a close up of it. She knew it was mine and not some cheap imitation because of my patent "yellow toddler scribble" that Goddess in Training #3 so kindly decorated my poster board before I had a chance to make my sign. My "No Bushit" slogan was apparently tame enough for broadcast. Who would have thunk it? I guess that compared to the giant blow-up penis with full riot head gear that one clever protestor carried, a little clever swear word is no big deal.

All in all it was a good protest. Good momentum to build on for the upcoming campaign season. Hopefully we can continue to get out there and get people motivated to stand up and make sure their vote counts this time around. Heck, we might even end up with a legitimate winner in office if we play our cards right!

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