Back on the farm
I have been back working on the farm last week and this week. Last week I helped to finish up the planting of the new apple orchard. 10,000 trees in 3 weeks. Of course I didn't do nearly as much as those who had been there the whole time, but still - I am proud of the accomplishment. The last week was by reports the hardest because the ground was wet, muddy, and H.E.A.V.Y. Great for the ass shaping, bad for the aching muscles. Between riding my bike to the farm (3 miles) and then busting my behind working I was exhausted at the end of each day. I survived, but my fibromylagia is flaring up (too strenous activity can cause it to flare)and am extremely happy that this week I am working scraping canker (a fungal infection) from the trees in the old orchard. Its a longer bike ride to the old field, but the work is no where near as strenous as the digging and planting. And much less muddy. Today it was just me, my ipod, my tools, and the trees. I sang out loud and it felt great.Speaking of feeling great, I have been seeing an acupuncturist for my moods and for my fibromyalgia and various other bodily disfunctions. So far, so good. I am feeling different - better different. My mood is definately lighter. Even Dylan noticed it and commented on it. Part of it is because of the work I am doing with Byron Katie's Loving What Is and part is from the acupuncture and nasty horrible tasting herbs they give me. Either way, it is a good thing and I am going to stick with it.
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