Stealing is a sin
You can steal my sign, but I am still not voting hate into our constitution.Fucking Hypocrites - didn't God say "Thou Shalt Not Steal" ? I don't think he said it was okay to steal in his name.
We live in one of the not-so-liberal suburbs that surround the metro area, yet I have been pleasantly surprised and encouraged to see several No On 36 signs on our street. (For my non-local readers, Constitutional Amendment 36 is an effort to make gay marriage illegal in Oregon) Imagine my dismay when I awoke this morning and realized that all the signs on our street are gone, including ours. (and all the Kerry signs...) Yet oddly enough the signs encouraging bigotry and hate, and those urging you to vote for war criminals Bush and Cheney remain. hmmmmmm....
So off I go to donate yet more money to the campaign efforts. I will also be making my own sign to remind self-righteous hypocrites that stealing is a sin. I doubt it will do any good, but it will make me feel better.