I will be making my felted messenger bag with my new totally hippy handpainted BFL. I am stoked! Originally I thought I would enter a pair of socks that I was working on while watching the England match on World Wide Knit In Public Day but decided that my late entry needed more motivation than a silly pair of socks. As lovely as they may be, I am much more enthused by the idea of having my new bag.
England plays again tonight. Not sure if I will be making it out to the pub for another KIP as I been feeling a bit sketchy in the tummy today. (and I only had ONE lousy pint last night during the Germany/Poland match, I swear!) But I will definately be casting on tonight even if it is just in my comfy bed watching downloads of Jon Stewart's Daily Show.
My recent acquistion of a kilo of Blue Faced Leicester and a bunch of acid dyes has me playing around with making my own colorways. I think a new addiction has been born.
My first go at handpainted yarn. Calling the colorway "totally hippy" in honor of my lovely hubby who declared it was 'total hippy colors' when he first saw it. Thanks for the inspiration my dear!
Just a few pics...who me excited???
Hanging to dry. I was a bit skeptical at this point as the colors seemed to be a bit off from how I envisioned the. Keeping faith I hung them to dry on the patio and crossed my fingers, secretly wondering what I was going to do with 100gms of yarn I couldn't stand...
Lesson #1: Never judge a color before its dry. I was pleased to find that the colors gained quite a bit of depth and richness as they dried. This is actually more or less what I had in mind when I started. Not too bad considering I mixed the colors without any sort of recipe. Just a dash of this and that and a quick prayer.
Time for test a swatch...
Then felted the swatch...
Success! My plan is to make this into my felted messenger bag, which I promise I will be writing up a pattern for this time!
My ode to Anhata, who led me to the beauty of the Indian Sunset. Can you feel its radiant glow?
Continuing to go through and weed out whats left of my yarn stash. (Making room for the kilo of Blue Faced Leicester that arrived today. :::drool:::) My own pattern that I made up as I went along. I had originally planned to try some shibori felting on the flap, but changed my mind half way through the felting when a couple of the resist sections came undone and my design got screwed up. I'll have to give that little experiment another go some other day. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. A little tweeking of the pattern and it will be perfect.
Before felting...yes, it was truly neon. Thankfully a good amount of the dye came out during the felting. Front,back, and flap are in stockinette and sides in garter. The idea was to make the sides a bit thicker, but it didn't really work out that way. Next time I am gonna give seed stitch a try for the sides. Maybe. I need to think it through a bit.
And because I am such a dork - I have to show off my new 49p supa-cool gloves from Ikea. I do all my felting by hand (my front loader washer is no good for felting)and being the delicate flower that I am, I need proper protection lest my skin turn into prunes and split open.
I love bluegrass music. It makes me feel....well, it just makes me feel. It lifts my mood and the right song can give me the little push I need to release a good cry thats been building up in me.