26 February 2004

Beware Of The Gay Agenda!!!

We have heard all the rhetoric....now we can see for ourselves....The Gay Agenda Revealed!

25 February 2004

Something I have been thinking about....

I originally wrote this as a response on a list I post to. I had brought up the subject of my experience with PMS (which is pretty significant) and in doing so I stated "I can feel my Kundalini rising for a couple weeks until it feels like I am going to explode." Someone asked me to explain Kundalini.


Not feeling at all qualified to offer an explanation of Kundalini, I replied as best as I could. It is a pretty simplistic interpretation of Kundalini as a contributing factor in PMS. To my surprise it has been positively received and after re-reading it a million times, I pushed my insecurities aside and have decided to share it with you....

Kundalini is, in very simplified terms, divine energy that is coiled
at the base of the spine. It is identified mostly as a feminine
energy of creativity, sexuality, and psychic experience, all of
which we tend to as a culture supress. Ideally, Kundalini rises out
of practice of various methods (ie. Kundalini yoga or meditation)
you bring it up gradually and with intention so you are able
to "pace" its rise and are prepared to deal with its emergence. It
can be quite powerful and if not handled with care can cause great
disruption in our lives.

As far as PMS with Kundalini goes....When we enter this phase of our
cylce our Kundalini rises and creates increased sexual energy in
keeping with our fertility and the instinct to procreate. It also
makes us sensetive to the proximity of others both physically and
psychically. A real paradox that can be hard to sort out. (I am sure
I am not alone in feeling like I want to 'jump' my partner but as
soon as we are done I want nothing to do with him during this time!)
Also for me, I am quite fiery and creative by nature and do allow my
Kundalini to rise with intention, but when it rises on its own it
can bring up all kinds of emotions and energy that I am not ready to
deal with. Thus creating mood swings, anger, depression.

I know that an important component of my problems with PMS stem from
my attempting to keep my Kundalini down instead of working with it
as it rises. Another thing on the long list of 'shoulds' that I have
but for a myriad of reasons don't respect and listen to.

Clear as mud? It is hard to put it into words since the essence of
Kundalini is not able to be quantified by the limits of language.

Thanks for letting me share this with you.

19 February 2004

Never fear....I'm still here

No, I have not abandoned my blog. The current slow trickle in entries can be attributed to a number of factors, the biggest of which is that I have been focusing on....get this........REAL LIFE! What a novel idea, eh?

Not to kick the online thing. Quite to the contrary. If it were not for my online life I would not have met some of the wonderful people that I now count among my 'real life' friends. I have found playgroups, schools, individuals, a career/study focus...I have found a LIFE!

And that's just it...

Because of this injection of life I have renewed vision and drive to DO. I have found a magic thing in taking my dreams out of my head and making them real with the work of my hands, the sound of my voice. Yet, as much as I love getting out and doing things, I find that it has taken away something I previously took for granted - time to just "be". In my lust for activity I am finding that I also need to give honor to my need for rest. For the first time in what seems like an eternity I am finding peace with something as simple as sitting still. Meditation is not something I am doing because "I *MUST* relax..." anymore - it is instead something I do because it brings me bliss.

So when you don't hear from me for awhile - fear not - I am here. Just doin' stuff....

14 February 2004

Marriage is love.

12 February 2004

Warning Signs

You know your toddler - okay almost preschooler - (gulp!) is way too influenced by her pre-teen/teen sisters when....

While suggesting which outfit to wear she proclaims "NOOOOOOO, Moooooom! I want the stylish ones!!!!! Complete with eye rolling and head cocking.

I am in trouble!

I haven't been laughing too much

A big funk has landed square on top of our house. Thankfully I have great friends like Lauren who will always be there to remind me that Things could always be worse.

03 February 2004

Blessed Belated Imbolc!

Yesterday was Imbolc, however my observance was somewhat limited this year. As much as I hate to admit it, I opted for a shopping bonanza at the Value Village Founders Day Sale and then was obliged to come home and play with all my fabulous finds. Hey, a girls gotta get her 50% off thrift store prices whenever she can, right? Before I knew it, the day was over and I had not even planted a simple seed, let alone baked bread or made fresh butter.

Today, I look out my front window and see tiny green crocus shoots pushing up from the ground. They have been breaking through for a couple weeks now so this alone, while comforting was not too exciting for me. What I did not expect to see was this! Indeed the wheel is turning. Even under cover of winter storm the earth is awakening from its winter slumber. Soon we will be dancing with flowers in our hair!
